Manufacturing companies in three Michigan counties recently were awarded grants from the Michigan Department of Transportation’s Transportation Economic Development Fund (TEDF) to improve access and build new facilities.
The companies and their projects:
• SMR, in St. Clair County, plans to hire more than 350 new employees and expand its Marysville facility. SMR provides rearview-mirror and camera systems to vehicle manufacturers. The company will invest $40,237 in the Marysville facility and $580,090 to improve traffic and access to the Marysville facility.
• LTC Roll and Engineering, also in St. Clair County, will invest $8,550 in expansion to a Cottrellville Township facility and hire 90 new workers. The County Road Commission will resurface the affected area of Marine City Highway to accommodate the new traffic, with $467,181 in state TEDF funds.
• Henrob Corp, in Oakland County, will expand its facilities with a grant of $52,900 and create 245 jobs.
• Hirata Corp of America, also in Oakland County, will expand its facilities with a grant of $2,065,380 and create 30 new jobs. To benefit both Hirata Corp. and Henrob Corp, the Road Commission for Oakland County plans to reconstruct and resurface affected roads with a grant of $760,000.
• Another Oakland County manufacturer, TI Automtove, will use $700,000 in state TEDF funds to reconstruct Taylor Road from west of M-24 to Lapeer Road and build a new headquarters building for approximately $21,000,000.
• Yanfeng USA, LLC, a Macomb County manufacturer, will invest $56,600 to improve a new facility, and the Macomb County Department of Roads will reconstruct the industrial road that serves Yanfeng’s property to improve drainage during heavy rainfall and widen intersections to improve access. The roads project uses $1,634,640 in state TEDF funds.
Michigan TEDF grants approved for projects in three counties