The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) unveiled the "Good to Go!" Flex Pass for use at express toll booths along Interstate 405 on March 23.
WSDOT also said express toll lanes will be opened along a 17-mile stretch of highway later this year. Those meeting occupancy requirements will be able to use these toll-free.
“Right now, everyone on I-405 is stuck in traffic. Sometimes the HOV (high-occupancy vehicle) lanes are as slow as the regular lanes,” WSDOT Toll Division Assistant Secretary Craig Stone said. “By fall, any drivers on I-405 between Bellevue and Lynnwood will finally have the option to drive 45 miles per hour or faster in the express toll lanes, even during rush hour.”
WSDOT said current "Good to Go!" holders that do not plan to utilize the carpooling lanes do not have to add anything, those wishing to use the carpool lanes toll-free would need to activate the HOV mode on their account. The state has partnered with and will be giving a limited amount of passes to regular commuters on I-405 between Bellevue and Lynnwood.
Passes are available for purchase at the program's website. The passes cost $15 unless the driver qualifies for a free pass.