The New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration recently released the scoping report for the new Interstate 81 Viaduct project.
A scoping report is an early phase of the environmental review process required for major highway improvement projects that require environmental impact statements.
The project includes a 3.75-mile section of highway of the viaduct in Syracuse from Colvin Street to Hiawatha Boulevard. The report includes alternatives to the project. One of these, the no-build alternative, would maintain the highway in its existing configuration while providing routine maintenance and minor repairs. Other options could include replacing the elevated section of highway, reroute traffic from the interstate around the city and weave it into the existing streets, or build a route through a tunnel.
The report is available at, and also is available at local libraries and other project document repositories, including the Project Outreach Center at the Carnegie Building in Syracuse.
For more information about the viaduct project, go to the project website or call the project hotline at 855-181-TALK (855-481-8255). Follow the I-81 Viaduct Project on Facebook at!/I81viaduct.
Scoping report for New York viaduct project released