The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA), the recognized and unified voice of U.S. seaports, recently announced that 25 seaports will be recognized for their excellent communications programs and projects at its yearly awards and convention luncheon.
The winning ports will receive their awards at the APPA’s 48th annual Communications Awards Program on Nov. 4. This event is organized alongside AAPA’s 104th Annual Convention and Expo based in Miami from Nov. 2-4.
The award judges were 46 professional public relations practitioners based in Washington, D.C. Before the May 1 deadline, the judges spent approximately 180 hours to judge the entries that covered 15 classifications in periodicals, advertisements, websites, videos and other media.
“When port authorities communicate strategically with their many audiences, including their communities, business leaders and policymakers, they’re better able to show their tremendous value as drivers of economic development, environmental enhancement and job creation,”
AAPA’s President and CEO
Kurt Nagle said. “This competition helps our member ports by rewarding effective communications and highlighting best practices and lessons learned.”
25 ports to receive national recognition