The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) recently tested new ways that will allow motorcyclists to pass through toll booths on Interstate 405 without an active pre-paid Good to Go! account.
“Many motorcycle drivers already have a pass that is active on a Good To Go! account because they use one of our other toll facilities, but we’ve heard from other motorcycle owners who only drive I-405 and don’t cross the SR 520 or the Tacoma Narrows bridges,” Toll Operations Director Patty Rubstello said. “So we’re testing a solution that would require a Good to Go! motorcycle pass be installed to drive toll-free on the I-405 express toll lanes, but doesn’t require an account.”
I-405 will soon have
express toll lanes open for fall 2015, and WSDOT intends to address
concerns from motorcyclists who do not wish to have a Good to Go!
account. The motorcyclists have stated that they are not interested in
activating the pass in order to avoid the tolls in the new express lanes
in I-405.
“We’ve seen a great response so far to the incentive and we’ve exceeded our initial goal of 2,000 passes,” Rubstello said. “We will continue offering free passes while supplies last.”
New ways tested for toll-free passes for motorcyclists in Washington