According to a recent announcement, shuttle drivers who serve seven large Silicon Valley companies recently voted to accept a union proposal for the drivers’ first contract with included industry-leading benefits and wages.
The drivers, who are under the employment of Compass Transportation/Transdev, unanimously voted in favor of the contract. The official figures were 75-0. All of the drivers are currently members of San Leandro’s Teamsters Local 853 in California.
It took approximately five months for the company to negotiate the contract proposal. The proposal includes contract language as well as the economic package originally take from Facebook and Local 853’s agreement with Loop Transportation. Now, Facebook shuttle drivers will ratify their agreement with the company in February 2016.
The new contract contains shift differential pay, an hourly pay increase, employer contributions to a defined pension plan and a six-hour minimum limit for drivers without working split shifts.
Next, the final draft of the contract will be sent to Compass Transportation for its final review.
“The overwhelming vote is an indication of the significance of the changes made by this contract, most of which are going to be life-changing for the people that drive these buses and for their families,” Rome Aloise, international vice president and principal officer of Teamsters Local 853, said.
Silicon Valley shuttle drivers unanimously approve contract proposal