The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is accepting project ideas to include in the 2015 Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program through 4 p.m. Nov. 20.
Managed by KDOT, the TA program finances alternative transportation projects.
The projects can range from infrastructure for non-driver access to public transportation to on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Projects also can be designed to improve mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists, or enhance the environmental or scenic assets of Kansas. Other ideas may include methods of preserving historic transportation structures as well as Safe Routes to School projects.
“These types of non-motorized projects have the potential to benefit people of all ages and abilities across Kansas,” Mike Spadafore, KDOT bicycle and pedestrian coordinator, said. “We anticipate seeing a variety of projects that will strengthen our shared transportation system, both locally and statewide.”
Approximately $14 million in federal funds will be made available for the projects. All of the chosen projects need to have 20 percent of needed funds locally matched.
KDOT will hold a TA program workshop at its headquarters in Topeka, Kansas from 10 a.m. to noon on Sept. 9.
Site visits will be made in December and January, with a final decision announced in the spring.
Further details, including the application, scoring criteria, eligibility and project selection notes, are part of the TA 2015 Program Guidance available at
Kansas accepting alternative transportation ideas