The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments reminds Michigan drivers that the household travel survey for MI Travel Counts is continuing.
According to the announcement, the survey and invitation letters will continue to be sent to households that are randomly selected in
September and October.
MI Travel Counts offers vital information that is important to determine the transportation priorities for the upcoming 20 years. Transportation agencies use the information gathered from the survey to better recognize changes in household transportation. They also predict future travel needs for Michigan residents.
"We are pleased with the level of response we have received so far,"
State Transportation Director
Kirk Steudle said. "For this phase of the study, we want to express how important it is that those who receive an invitation letter take part in the survey. Public participation is the key to effective transportation planning."
This is the same survey that was sent in 2004, 2005 and 2009.
"MI Travel Counts will paint a picture of why people travel and how they plan their daily travel activities," Steudle said. "It will provide MDOT and its transportation partners with up-to-date information to identify where to invest limited transportation resources."
State survey of Michigan drivers continues