The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers recently presented Direct ChassisLinke, Inc. (DCLI) with its 2015 Award for Best Maintained Equipment in the Port of New York and New Jersey.
DCLI representatives said that they recognize the support and trust that the association has placed on the company with this award.
"The Port of New York and New Jersey has experienced tremendous growth over the past few years, and with that rapid growth inevitably comes challenges,” Jeff Bader, the association's president, said. “Consistently providing our drivers with reliable, good-quality equipment is a key factor in keeping intermodal commerce running smoothly, and this year, we are happy to recognize DCLI for successfully rising to that challenge."
The Bi-State Trucking Association is known in the industry for encouraging well-maintained equipment and safe practices. It also has been a leader in fostering cooperation and dialogue in its industry.
Bader gave the award to DCLI Vice President of Operations Mike Wells at a recent award luncheon at the Forsgate Country Club in Monroe Township, New Jersey.
Direct ChassisLink receives Best Maintained Equipment Award