The Texas Transportation Commission, which governs the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), recently designated approximately $265,000 for improvements at West Texas’ Alpine-Casparis Municipal Airport.
“Many of my constituents that live in rural areas depend on improved airport service for their livelihood and businesses,” U.S. Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) said in commending TxDOT for the award. “This grant is a win for the city of Alpine and Brewster County who will be able to fund the engineering design for new asphalt, two taxiways, and rehabilitation to Runway 5-23."
Arrivals and departures from community airports account for more than 3 million flight hours per year, and provide aircraft facilities for agricultural, medical, business and commuter use.
Alpine City Councilman Rick Stephens said grants such as this are crucial to maintaining the multimillion-dollar air transportation facility business in cities such as his.
"The airport supports medical evacuations, emergency services and overnight package delivery; brings tourists to Alpine and the Big Bend Region; and ensures support for TxDot and the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol who serve our area,” Stephens said. “TxDot provides up to 90 percent of the cost of airport improvements, thereby reducing the financial impact on the city to maintain this vital capability."
Texas awards $265,000 grant for Alpine-Casparis Municipal Airport