The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) released guidelines for reporting on-time data from airlines throughout 2016.
BTS estimates that it will be receiving reports of on-time data from 12 airlines during 2016.
BTS said all airlines that have revenue exceeding 1 percent of the total scheduled-service domestic passenger revenue during the 12 months that ended on June 30 must report.
The directive also names 29 airports that have 1 percent or more of total domestic scheduled-service passenger enplanements in the U.S. for the last 12 months that ended on June 30 and must submit monthly on-time reports. This list hasn’t changed from the list in 2015.
Envoy Airlines will not required to report to the BTS in 2016. Envoy ran as American Eagle and reported its on-time data for the last 15 years. In July, U.S. Airways and American Airlines started to combine their reporting numbers.
Guidelines released for filing airline on-time reports in 2016