The Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) in Illinois will hold a public meeting Nov. 12 an intersection improvement study involving Long Grove Road and Ela Road.
The study applies specifically to Barrington and Deer Park and focuses on improving the safety of the intersection. The meeting will address the future travel demands as well as the current capacity of the intersection, including bicyclist and pedestrian features.
The informal, open house meeting will give the public the opportunity to hear explanations and presentations about the planning process, study schedule and stakeholder involvement opportunities. Officials from the LCDOT will be available to offer detailed information about the project and to answer any questions. People will be free to share any concerns that they may have about infrastructure in the region.
The meeting will be at 5 p.m. Nov.12 in the Village Church of Barrington at 1600 E Main St. in Barrington.
Forum to discuss Long Grove Road - Ela Road intersection in Lake County, Illinois