MDOT releases new research report

Leaders from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) recently published a new research report entitled “Research on Evaluation and Standardization of Accelerated Bridge Construction Techniques." 

There is now a full listing of research reports that MDOT has published between 1940 and 2015 available on the MDOT website. All of the reports between those years are online in the form of PDFs.

Crews with MDOT implement several specific, unique methods in bridge construction.

One example is called the "Accelerated Bridge Construction" (ABC) and reduces the construction impacts and delays on local communities. This technique uses prefabricated bridge elements and systems (PBES), which MDOT has done for several bridges in recent years.

Another approach was used during 2014, when MDOT completed two slide-in bridge construction (SIBC) projects. Both of these required three bridge replacements.

Today, officials are planning self-propelled modular transporter (SPMT) moves to replace another three bridges.

The goal of this research is to advance the applications of these new techniques by supplying crews with guidelines that have ABC alternatives, guidelines for foundation construction when a current bridge is in service and bridge slide operations.

The researchers analyzed ABC activities across the nation and also oversaw continuing ABC projects taking place in Michigan. They also define specific parameters for applying SPMT and SIBC moves, substructure construction, reviews and upgrades.
