Marc Luiken, commissioner of the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF), recently named Dave Kemp the Central Region's new director.
Kemp has business administration and civil engineering bachelor’s degrees and holds engineer and project management professional licenses.
Kemp has worked in ADOT&PF’s public-service division for over a decade, most recently serving as director for statewide facilities, which required him to oversee the design, programming and construction phases for public-facility capital-improvement projects across the state. Because of the need to save resources and improve efficiency, Kemp will accept his new position while also continuing as director of statewide facilities.
In addition, Kemp will continue to serve as director of the Facilities Maintenance Shared Services project.. This ongoing project operates through a multi-departmental working group to reduce costs and better manage the state's public facilities.
Kemp officially will accept his new responsibilities on Monday.